1. a grouping of images that are fueling everything right now. are you following cursive design on pinterest? i'm constantly adding more + more. xo. 

    from top to bottom. dan flavin (forever+ever), fearless fashion, love the bulbous-y cement walls + counter tops at the papa bubble shop, phillip k. smith III installation & A. PINK. MOON

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  2. Very excited to be at Weltenbuerger in LA. Select pieces are now available online and in store. 
    (photos via Weltenbuerger)

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  3. Winter you guys. Winter. Let’s do this. I’m trying to win at it. I think I am. It’s such an extreme attitude, but winter is extreme. It has a very limited palette (which I LOVE). Summer can be so slutty with it’s color choice (but give me 6 months and I’ll be ooo-ing and aww-ing over it). I’m a fair-weather weather fan. Right now I'm loving the whites, greys, blacks, browns, blues in the sky, and slivers of pink/sherbert at sun up and down. If forced to select two colors to look at for the rest of my life I would choose peach-y/coral and cream. I am a girl like that I guess and I definitely have the most love for winter hues. Even this winter, being so wintry and challenging. I've made some key purchases/received some holiday gifts that have really helped me out.

    First up, this scarf. THIS ONE. It is a bit ridiculous in size, yes, but, I’m game for some over sized neck wear. A statement scarf that doesn't let the bitter chill through. It does shed quite a bit but I’m already of the crazy cat lady vibe so, meh, I don’t care. I’m contemplating a camel wool coat for next winter so it won’t be as noticeable.

    This braided bundle of sweet grass. I haven’t wanted to burn it yet. Too pretty! I pick it up every night when I plop down on the couch and give it a good wiff. It instantly takes me home and makes me feel cozy and happy. I find myself being particularly drawn to aromatics this season. Maybe because we can’t open our windows for a fresh breeze? We usually have some cedar incense going during the day and I have these candle altars at my office desk and in our living room with scents of basil and anise. What is it about looking at fire that makes you feel warmer? It helps. It helps.

    These boots. Shearling lined. The best winter boots available on the planet in my assessment. Bold claim I know. Still made in Maine and going strong since 1912. Watch the factory videos for some heart warming stuff. 

    These slippers. Warm clouds on your feet. LL Bean again. They just understand winter. They get it.

    This purchase which is currently saving me but I’m not too thrilled about is Aveeno’s mild eczema therapy lotion. F***ing eczema lotion you guys. Ugh. So that is my one complaint. This climate will dry the skin off of your body like a lizard and you will buy anything that promises to mitigate the damage. It’s not fun for anyone. Do you guys have a favorite? I'm wondering if an oil would be better?

    Bourbon. Neat. That is all. Or punch it up with a splash of Aperol and a flamed orange twist. I made one the other night when it hit zero degrees because I deserved it because it hit zero degrees. See how this works? But the trick here is no ice. No more ice. Can't do the ice.

    I swear by silk long underwear. Not bulky. SO soft and comfy. The silk on your skin makes you feel kind of sexy under your jeans. Which is nice cuz I'm wearing 5 sweaters and some big ass boots.

    Cool Puzzles. I am SO into them now. Over the holiday vacation I became obsessed with a 3-D puzzle of New York. It still bothers me that we had to leave before it was done.

    Porch fridge/freezer. Chill that beer or wine outside in a matter of minutes in sub zero temps. Science excites!


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  4. it's that time of year again. here are the holiday shows where you can find cursive:

    saturday nov. 30 

    sunday dec. 1

    saturday dec. 14
    gift box pop up

    i'll be bringing items from the new collection, some limited edition work and some clearance pieces from past collections. i'd love to see you!

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  5. I'm going to be showing some wall hangings, sculpture and jewelry at Inkling in Chicago. Join me for an Opening Reception Friday May 3rd from 6-10pm. Show runs through May. I'm very excited to be making some art again! I always find the parallels between the art and jewelry to be so interesting. Hope to see you there!

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  6. hey y'awl (practicin' some TX talk). have you taken a look through the new SS13 collection? i'm so excited about the silk prints and the color palette. my favorite part is always dreaming up ways to style them and i'm headed out to Austin, TX today with jon and some friends. we're going to take in a little SXSW, some SUN, um some WARM WEATHER, some bbq and some birthday revelries. (can you tell which part i'm most excited for? YES, i will consider this trip successful when my hands come down to room temperature for a solid 72).

    road tripwe're road tripping and i'm pretty excited about it. i've never done this northern to southern route before. i'm curious to see all the changes. the land, the weather and the accents. my driving outfit has layers since we'll be going from cold to warm weather. sunscreen is a must in an all day car situation so are boss lady boots.


    birthdaythe first day we're in austin is my birthday. i plan to hit franklin bbq at 9am. first things first on your birthday and this year i'm feeling like brisket. i plan to chill out in a park and read a book or leisurely stroll the rest of the afternoon. susan and ben made some secretive birthday dinner reservations. so i'll go change into birthday evening wear (tipping my hat to TX with a long skirt and boots) nothing says festive like a metallic skirt. skip the birthday candles and wear your flash.

    around townsusan and i plan to do some bumming around on south congress and walking around the neighborhoods. this is all about comfy and laid back bumming. let's hit this place. that place. margarita? yes, please. that place over there. margarita again. you feel me. i'm feeling the desire to wear a spring palette these days but i'm not ready to surrender all of the black just yet. a dark lipstick also says, "hey guys, it's still march. let's not let all this sun go to our heads."

    panel & after partyjon is the reason we're all headed down to SXSW. he's leading a panel discussion about glitch art/new media. i'll attend his panel and there is an after party thing he's performing at. i'm assuming the panel discussion might get a little academic-y so i'm thinking: blazer.

    as always click on the image to view outfit details on polyvore. 

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  7. i made this image as a design test for a fabric swatch i wanted to get printed. it never made the cut but i still love the little color explosions. i came across this while cleaning out some digital files and thought it mirrors how i feel about exciting prospects in 2013. thank you so much for a wonderful 2012! i hope you all had a fantastic end to the year and a bright beginning to this year. i just got back from a whirlwind trip back home to north dakota for the holidays and to ring in the new year with my sister's family (+ brand new baby boy!) in seattle.

    my serious new years resolution is to master a soft boiled egg. i have 2 sets of adorable egg cups and i have yet to use them for their intended use. a couple years back i decided learning how to poach an egg would be my new years resolution and i think it's fun to continue this egg idea. happy new year!

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  8. to ensure your package is received before the holidays please place your order on or before friday 12/14/12  11pm CDT. this is for domestic U.S. orders only. at this time international orders can not be guaranteed to arrive for the holidays. all orders placed after 12/14/12 will ship in january 2013. thanks!

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  9. this holiday season i thought it would be fun to figure out a free gift with purchase. this tassel is one of my most versatile pieces. not only is it a necklace and a key chain but today i attached it to my purse. hello fancy zipper pull! nice. yesterday i mentioned the holiday promotion (any order over $200 receives a free one until 12/14/12!) here are some visual math examples to help you figure out your way to a free one. jewelry math is the best math.

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  10. SO excited about this! Come out on Friday Dec. 14th for some jewelry, discounts, food & drink! It is Study Hall's first party and I'm so honored to be a part of the fun!

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cursive design
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i'm a jewels designer in chicago. i share all sorts of things here. really deep stuff like sandwich preferences and outfit combos.
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